How To Use The New Plain Jane 2.0 Countdown Timer

Plain Jane 2.0 this time around comes fully equipped with a built-in countdown timer to hype up your releases. It also comes with a bonus store unlock animation when the countdown finishes. This guide will give a quick tutorial on how to set the timer properly for your site visitors.

Step 1:

First we need to change our password page layout to the new Plain Jane 2.0 password layout. We can do this by going to the theme customizer then:

Going to Theme Settings > Password Page Settings

Then from the dropdown change the Password Page Style to "Plain Jane 2.0"

Step 2: 

Next, navigate to the Password page click the "PJ 2.0 Password Page" section from the left to open all of the settings.

To set the time focus on these settings below. Use them to set the countdown date and time. This countdown is set to UTC time only.

Step 3:


In order for your countdown to be in sync with everyone from around the world you need to convert your countdown time to the UTC timezone.

To easily convert your times just go to Google or use an online timezone converter. For this tutorial we will use for simplicity.

Copy and paste the text below as an example, just replace your time and timezone.


In our example above to have our countdown end at 7PM PST worldwide, we need to set the countdown to Friday (the next day) at 2AM. It may seem strange, but this is the best way to ensure everyone that visits the site is in sync.

We recommend testing things out first before actually publishing your store for customers to see.

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